Tongliang Liu


Tongliang Liu

Tongliang Liu

Director of Sydney AI Centre
Deputy Associate Head of School (Research)
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Neural Networks
(CORE A, CCF B, and CAS Q1)
Program Chair of the 36th Australasian Joint Conference on AI
ARC Future Fellow; ARC DECRA Fellow
School of Computer Science
Facult of Engineering
The University of Sydney, Australia

Address: Room 315/J12 1 Cleveland St, Darlington, NSW 2008, Australia
E-mail: tongliang.liu [at]; tliang.liu [at]
[Google Scholar] [DBLP]

Machine Learning with Noisy Labels
Monograph on learning with noisy labels
by MIT Press. Coming soon!

Research Interests

Tongliang Liu's research interests lie in providing mathematical and theoretical foundations to justify and understand machine learning models and designing efficient learning algorithms for problems in the field of trustworthy machine learning, with a particular emphasis on

  • Learning with noisy labels,

  • Adversarial learning,

  • Causal representation learning,

  • Semi-supervised learning,

  • Efficient learning,

  • Statistical deep learning theory.

Short Bio

Tongliang Liu is the Director of Sydney AI Centre (which has 11 academic staff and 100+ PhD students) and an Associate Professor in machine learning at The University of Sydney, Australia; a Visiting Scientist of RIKEN AIP, Tokyo, Japan; an Affiliated Professor with Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, United Arab Emirates; a Visiting Professor with University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China. Before joining The University of Sydney in 2017, he was a Lecturer at University of Technology Sydney. He is also leading the Trustworthy Machine Learning Lab (TML Lab) at The University of Sydney, which hosts, attracts, and connects the best global talents to develop trustworthy machine learning techniques and tools, which are explainable, robust, fair, causally responsible, and privacy-preserving. Our mission is to make machines trustworthy, which is a foundation for our society to develop and deploy artificial intelligence to improve our lives.

Tongliang Liu has published more than 200 papers at leading ML/AI conferences and journals. According to CS Rankings, he has been ranked as the first in machine learning in Australasia. He received the Outstanding Research Contribution Award from the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia, CORE Inc., in 2024, IEEE AI's 10 to Watch Award from the IEEE Computer Society in 2023, Eureka Prize shortlist for Emerging Leader in Science from Australian Museum in 2023, Future Fellowship Award from Australian Research Council (ARC) in 2022, Faculty Early Career Research Excellence Award at The University of Sydney in 2021, the Top-40 Early Achievers by The Australian in 2020, and the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) from ARC in 2018. He also received multiple faculty awards, e.g., from OPPO and Meituan. Tongliang is also very proud of his talented students, who have made/are making/will make significant contributions to advancing science. They have also been recognised by many awards, e.g., Google PhD Fellowship Awards.

He is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of Neural Networks. He is a Senior Area Chair of NeurIPS and ICLR. He is regularly the meta-reviewer of ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, UAI, IJCAI, and AAAI. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE TPAMI, ACM Computing Surveys, and TMLR, and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Machine Learning Research and the Machine Learning journal.

Top News

  • We are looking for visiting scholars for Asian Trustworthy Machine Learning (ATML) Fellowships. See more details here. [Fellows in 2023]

  • 07/2024, I accepted the invitation to serve as a Senior Area Chair for ICLR 2025.

  • 03/2024, I accepted the invitation to serve as a Senior Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024.

  • 02/2024, I am honoured to be named an AI Future Leader by AI Magazine: "Top 10: Future AI Leaders".

  • 12/2023, I am honoured to receive the CORE Award for Outstanding Research Contribution.

  • 11/2023, my student Muyang Li Received the Best Poster Award in ML and AI from the School of Computer Science! Congrats Muyang!

  • 09/2023, my student Yang Zhou got the University Medal! Congrats Yang!

  • 09/2023, my student Junzhi Ning got the University Medal! Congrats Junzhi!

  • 07/2023, my student Jiacheng Zhang got the University Medal! Congrats Jiacheng!

  • 07/2023, I am honoured to be shortlist for the Eureka Prize for Emerging Leader in Science.

  • 05/2023, I am honoured to receive the IEEE AI's 10 to Watch Award by the IEEE Computer Society. [PDF]

  • 04/2023, We have organised the MBZUAI-RIKEN AIP joint workshop on intelligent systems.

  • 03/2023, my student Muyang Li got the Top Final Year High Honour Roll! Congrats Muyang!

  • 09/2022, I was selected as an Australian Research Council Future Fellow
    (only three researchers across Australia was awarded in the field of Information and Computing Sciences in 2022).

  • 09/2022, I was appointed as a Visiting Professor with University of Science and Technology of China.

  • 09/2022, I was appointed as a Visiting Associate Professor with Mohammed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence.

  • 08/2022, I am in the editorial board of JMLR.

  • 08/2022, I was elected as one of the editorial board of the ML journal.

  • 08/2022, Two of my PhD students have got Google PhD Fellowship Awards. Congrats Xiaobo and Shuo!

  • 04/2022, I was selected as one of Global Top Young Chinese Scholars in AI by Baidu Scholar 2022.

  • 03/2022, I will co-organize IJCAI 2022 Challenge on Learning with Noisy Labels.

  • 02/2022, my student James Wood got the University Medal! Congrats James!

  • 02/2022, my monograph on learning with noisy labels has been accepted by MIT Press.

  • 12/2021, I received the Faculty Early Career Research Excellence Award, University of Sydney.

  • 04/2021, we are organising a speical issue at the ML Journal.

  • 02/2021, we are organising the first Australia-Japan Workshop on Machine Learning.

  • 9/2020, I was named in the Early Achievers Leaderboard by The Australian.

See more previous news here.


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